Martin Luther King’s Legacy

This video is not directly about Martin Luther King, Jr., but it is about why what he did was so important. And Reverend King’s niece, Alveda King reminds us we need to use his nonviolent methods in today’s biggest civil rights fight: ending abortion. She talked about Reverend King’s legacy in an interview with The … Read more

National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

Most aborted babies are discarded or sold for body parts. But prolife activists have gathered the remains of thousands of aborted babies and buried them in gravesites around the nation. On the National Day of Remembrance for Abortion Children, those who believe in the sanctity of life are encouraged to visit one of these gravesites or … Read more

Forty-Two Years of Death

Since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, nearly 58 million babies have been killed in the womb. You can see other horrifying abortion statistics in real-time counters at Number of Abortions. According to Operation Rescue: Four in ten unintended pregnancies are aborted. The United States has the highest abortion rate of any western industrialized … Read more

National Adoption Month 2013

yellow lily

November is National Adoption Month. As someone who is passionately prolife, I support adoption is a viable option in lieu of abortion. As someone who has first-hand experience as an adoptive parent, I want all children to have a family of their own. Below is a video with a powerful adoption message.

First National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

Today is the first observance of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. In the last 40 years, 55 million unborn babies have been killed in the womb. Very few of those were buried; many were thrown away in the garbage. There are 25 burial sites, many with graves holding hundreds of bodies retrieved … Read more

Comments on The Case Against Abortion

Although there aren’t a lot of comments on The Case Against Abortion, the conversation is passionate and thought-provoking. If you missed the comments, I highly recommend you read them—and add your own thoughts. photo credit: Kazz.0