Here I Am Again after Two Months Missing in Action
Missing in action for the last two months because of hospitalization and rehabilitation, I’m now back in action.
Missing in action for the last two months because of hospitalization and rehabilitation, I’m now back in action.
Fifty-six years ago, I married the love of my life. He is still my beloved husband, though he has spent the last ten years in heaven.
On Valentine’s Day, couples show their love for each other with gifts and celebrations. There’s no better of showing true love than by caring for a sick or disabled partner.
When I worked for the government, I suspected fraud by a contractor, but no one would listen.
There’s a great article on GodUpdates about a retired man who took a job as a school bus driver. He had been one of the top-rated FBI agents in the country and later the CEO of a large corporation. However, he said his job driving kids to school was as significant as those jobs, and … Read more
I’ve lived in a senior retirement community for over a year now. Our oldest resident is over 100, and many are in their eighties and nineties. Although canes, walkers, and wheelchairs are common, a surprising number of my friends here walk unassisted—not only within the building but also around the neighborhood. Most of us have … Read more