Most aborted babies are discarded or sold for body parts. But prolife activists have gathered the remains of thousands of aborted babies and buried them in gravesites around the nation. On the National Day of Remembrance for Abortion Children, those who believe in the sanctity of life are encouraged to visit one of these gravesites or a memorial dedicated to aborted babies. I will be praying for aborted babies, their families, and babies at risk of abortion today, as I do every day.
Lord God, You are the creator of all life, and every life You create is precious to You from the moment of conception. We mourn the loss of every child whose life has ended in the womb as a result of abortion. They are in Your hands and loving care, experiencing the peace they didn’t have on earth. We pray for the mothers and fathers. Open their eyes to what they have done, and give them repentance and forgiveness. We pray for children in the womb at risk of abortion. Give wisdom and courage to their mothers, fathers, and anyone else involved in making a decision about abortion. Lead them to choose life, Lord, and provide the resources they need to raise the child or to find a loving adoptive family for their precious baby. Raise up prolife champions, Father God, who will provide guidance and assistance to women facing unintended pregnancies. Put into power leaders who will protect innocent life in the womb and beyond. Bring an end to the evil of abortion, Lord God. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.