Religious Freedom Day

Today is Religious Freedom Day. According to, Each year, the President declares January 16th to be Religious Freedom Day, and calls upon Americans to “observe this day through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship.” The day is the anniversary of the passage, in 1786, of the Virginia Statute of … Read more

Happy 2018!

BLESS, O Father, all thy servants in 2018 that they may feel thy presence, experience thy provision, know thy love and peace that passeth understanding, and serve and glorify thee; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. Image: ©

Blessed Thanksgiving 2017

O MOST merciful Father, who hast blessed the labours of the husbandman in the returns of the fruits of the earth; We give thee humble and hearty thanks for this thy bounty; beseeching thee to continue thy loving-kindness to us, that our land may still yield her increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through … Read more

National Day of Prayer 2017

Today is the National Day of Prayer 2017. The theme is For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear Us… Forgive Us…Heal Us! Taken from Daniel 9:19. ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favour and glad … Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers, and I was so blessed to share an incredible love with Jack, my husband of forty-five years. The poems that follow are some I wrote for him early in our relationship, and our love grew even stronger through the years. I wish that kind of love for everyone. … Read more

School Choice

This is School Choice Week, a time to advocate for choice in school options. All children are entitled to the best education option for them. Parents should be able to choose a public school, a charter school, a magnet school, a private school, or an online school–or to teach their kids in a homeschool. Watch the … Read more

Thankful on Thanksgiving

O MOST merciful Father, who hast blessed the labours of the husbandman in the returns of the fruits of the earth; We give thee humble and hearty thanks for this thy bounty; beseeching thee to continue thy loving-kindness to us, that our land may still yield her increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. … Read more