Religious Freedom Day

January 16 is Religious Freedom Day. The First Amendment to the Constitution gives everyone in this country the right to worship—or not—as they choose. Today our religious freedom is at risk. We should have freedom to practice our faith in our neighborhood, schools, businesses and workplaces. If a baker is forced to bake a special … Read more

Religious Freedom Day

I was sick yesterday and failed to write a post for Religious Freedom Day, which is January 16th. Although late, I wanted to recognize this important day. Freedom of religion is one of our most significant freedoms, and we must stand up for it in a time when “separation of church and state” is predominant. … Read more

Religious Freedom Day

Today is Religious Freedom Day. According to, Each year, the President declares January 16th to be Religious Freedom Day, and calls upon Americans to “observe this day through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship.” The day is the anniversary of the passage, in 1786, of the Virginia Statute of … Read more

Religious Freedom Day

January 16th is Religious Freedom Day to educate people about the religious freedom we are guaranteed under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Today that freedom is at risk in the name of political correctness. We must defend our right to worship and live as we choose–whether we are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, pagan, agnostic, … Read more

Religious Freedom Day

Today is Religious Freedom Day, a day to celebrate our religious freedom. The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This liberty is in serious danger in this day of political correctness.  Many people seem to think we should have freedom … Read more

Religious Freedom Day 2014

January 16th is Religious Freedom Day. Our religious beliefs are at the very core of our being, so religious freedom is one of our most precious freedoms in the US. Unfortunately, we see that freedom eroding for Christians as more and more institutions—from the courts to private businesses—fear offending someone. I haven’t read anywhere in … Read more

Religious Freedom Day 2013

Religious Freedom Day is observed on January 16th, which marks the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom in 1786. The purpose of the day is to educate children and all citizens about the religious freedom guaranteed to us by the First Amendment. Today, we need to realize that precious religious … Read more

Religious Freedom Day 2012

Religious Freedom Day is observed on January 16th, which is the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom in 1786. That statute, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, was the basis for the First Amendment to the Constitution. We are so blessed to have freedom of religion in this country. In many parts … Read more

Religious Freedom Day 2010

Today, January 16, 2010, is Religious Freedom Day, a day proclaimed by the president to celebrate our freedom, honor our tradition of religious liberty, and commemorate the signing of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. In the United States, we are free to worship the God of our fathers—the God the founders recognized … Read more