Internet Evangelism Day

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a fan of the Internet and social media. But have you ever thought of the Internet as an evangelism tool? Internet Evangelism Day exists to help Christians understand the huge and growing potential to share the good news of Jesus through digital media. Readers of my blog know I … Read more

Today is Internet Evangelism Day 2013

Today is Internet Evangelism Day. I remember when I volunteered to create a website for our church in the late 1990s. At the time our congregation was small and composed mostly of older people. The vestry (the board in charge of managing the non-spiritual aspects of the parish) was skeptical. One member said, “No one … Read more

Internet Evangelism Day 2012

Today is Internet Evangelism Day. According to the website: Digital media have transformed the world in the last 15 years. We have entered a new ‘digital communication culture’ where all the rules for effective communication have changed. Even offline! There are 2+ billion web users, and over 4 billion people use mobile phones (increasingly these … Read more