Today is Internet Evangelism Day.
According to the website:
Digital media have transformed the world in the last 15 years. We have entered a new ‘digital communication culture’ where all the rules for effective communication have changed. Even offline!
There are 2+ billion web users, and over 4 billion people use mobile phones (increasingly these are web-equipped). The Web is not just another means of communication, but a hyper-medium that subsumes, links together, and enhances all previous media.
Read more at Internet Evangelism Day.
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As I mentioned in My Reading Plan Was Random; God’s Wasn’t, I read a number of Christian nonfiction books during Lent that I thought were randomly chosen. Yet they all emphasized that every Christian has a call and an absolute obligation evangelize. My husband and I have some health issues and don’t get out much, so the Internet is my primary connection to the world.
Although my original focus for this blog was writing, editing, and publishing, through the years, I have discovered it offers a wonderful opportunity for me to share my faith. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life—our only salvation and the only way to Heaven, and I want you to see you in Heaven!