About Critique Groups

Who reads your work-in-progress? I recently read some advice – rules of life – from a famous writer. Sorry, I forgot who it was! This great writer said he never let anyone read his works-in-progress, and he advised other writers to follow his example. He said most people don’t know enough about writing to recognize … Read more

Powerful Words

Robert Bennett, who recently contacted me for advice on finding a publisher for his book, sent me a link to a blog post at Sibby Online entitled “Three lives conceived through rape.” Robert, conceived through incest, joined two women who were conceived through rape to share their stories at the South Dakota Right to Life … Read more

Free Stories and E-Books

Although I’ve written only a couple of short stories, available free on my Web site, I enjoy stories I can read in one sitting. One of my favorite places to find short fiction is More Than Novellas. The site has Christian short stories, novellas (usually posted a chapter at a time), and interactive fiction (where … Read more

Blog Carnivals

Have you discovered blog carnivals? I’ve discovered carnivals recently … and discovered how addictive they can become! A blog carnival is a collection of posts on a particular theme from a number of different blogs. Many carnivals are ongoing, with new editions posted each week or month. Carnival hosts search to find great posts to share, and bloggers can submit posts … Read more

Another Great Review

The Last Boat Out: Memoirs of a Triumphant Vietnamese-American Family has received another great review. (2/1/08: The book is now out of print.) Kelley Anderson writes for Reader Views: “It is a beautifully told story, drawing you in to the simple Vietnamese lifestyle. It makes you weep for the innocent children disfigured by war and dance … Read more

Catalyst: God’s Tool

Although I’m always excited about the successes of my friends and clients, sometimes it seems that everyone is accomplishing great things but me. My novel languishes with little notice and few sales, while friends tell me about awards and great sales numbers. I see so many worthwhile causes I would like to help, but my budget keeps me … Read more

My Weekend … and Some Writing Advice

My friend Grace Anne Schaefer spent the weekend with us. Her husband Ken drove her down from their home near Austin – she had heart surgery a few months ago and wasn’t ready for the long drive alone. We have been truly blessed to have these wonderful people in our lives – the friendship between Grace Anne and … Read more