Have you discovered blog carnivals? I’ve discovered carnivals recently … and discovered how addictive they can become!
A blog carnival is a collection of posts on a particular theme from a number of different blogs. Many carnivals are ongoing, with new editions posted each week or month. Carnival hosts search to find great posts to share, and bloggers can submit posts from their own blogs.
There are carnivals on writers, religion, medicine, professions of all kinds, hobbies, business, sports, technology, arts and entertainment …. Think of a subject, and there are probably blogs about it, and if there are blogs about it, there’s probably a blog carnival.
Carnivals are a fun and convenient way to find blogs on subjects that interest you. I warn you, though, you can just plan to check out this week’s edition of your favorite blog carnival … and before you know it, you’ve clicked from blog to blog and read post after post!