The Last Boat Out: Memoirs of a Triumphant Vietnamese-American Family has received another great review. (2/1/08: The book is now out of print.)
Kelley Anderson writes for Reader Views: “It is a beautifully told story, drawing you in to the simple Vietnamese lifestyle. It makes you weep for the innocent children disfigured by war and dance with joy as they are rescued from sure death on a boat to nowhere. … It is a story written in simple language and instantly puts you in the lives of the Truong-Nhu family. … I would recommend this book ….”
This story really touched me when I first read it, and I enjoyed editing it. Though it is the personal story of one family, readers can identify with the universal story of family love. In addition the reader shares the difficulties and triumphs of life in a war-torn country and as an immigrant in a strange land.