Guest Post at Getting It Write for You

Lisa Vella at Getting It Write for You has been publishing a series on publishing options. Today I have contributed a guest post: Subsidy Publishing? Self-Publishing? It’s All Beginning to Blur. If you are a writer wanting to better understand your publishing options, visit Lisa’s blog and read the entire series. They are all linked from my post. In … Read more

Author Interview: Stacie Vander Pol

My guest today is Stacie Vander Pol, the author of Top Self Publishing Firms: How Writers Get Published, Sell More Books, and Rise to the Top: and Make Money Working from Home with the Best Print On Demand Self-Publishing Companies. That’s almost a complete book in the title. 🙂     Lillie: Welcome, Stacie. It’s … Read more

Review: Top Self-Publishing Firms

Top Self-Publishing Firms: How Writers Get Published, Sell More Books, and Rise to the Top and Make Money Working from Home with the Best Print On Demand Self-Publishing Companies Stacie Vander Pol Copyright 2008 CreateSpace ISBN:1440407541 Paperback, 156 pages, $16.95 Nonfiction In my Self-Publishing Primer, I differentiate between subsidy publishing and self-publishing. So when Stacie … Read more