Flag Day
Flag Day and Honor America Days 2013
Today is Flag Day, honoring the flag of our nation, and the beginning of Honor America Days. Though not well-known, the twenty-one days between Flag Day and Independence Day are designated by Congress as Honor America Days. According to 36 USC § 112: (a) Designation.— The 21 days from Flag Day through Independence Day is … Read more
Flag Day and Honor America Days 2012
Today is Flag Day and the beginning of Honor America Days. Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag by the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. Americans are encouraged to fly the flag during the entire week, which is National Flag Week. 36 USC § 112 describes Honor America Days: (a) Designation.— The … Read more
Flag Day and Honor America Days 2011
Today is Flag Day and the beginning of Honor America Days. Flag Day commemorates the adoption by the the Continental Congress of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States. Citizens are encouraged to fly Old Glory to observe the anniversary. Honor America Days are the 21 days between Flag Day and Independence Day and … Read more
Flag Day
June 14th is Flag Day in the US. I realize many of my readers are from other parts of the world. I hope you take as much pride in your home country and its flag as I take in my home country and its flag.