As soon as Thanksgiving is over—even earlier for many, especially retailers—it’s the Christmas season. People start shopping, decorating, cooking, partying, sending greeting cards, and decorating for “the holidays.” In the midst of all this busy-ness, it’s easy to lose track of “the reason for the season,” to forget that Christmas is a holy day, not just a holiday—a holy day to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World.
That’s why many Christians observe Advent, a time of penitence and preparation for the coming of Christ. We are preparing to celebrate Christmas, the time when our Lord and Savior came to earth as a tiny and helpless baby. We remember the coming of Christ into our own hearts when we accepted Him as our Savior. And we look forward to Christ coming again to earth, this time in power and glory.
Will we be ready? The Bible teaches us to be ever-ready, as we don’t know when the Lord will return. Advent is a time to prepare … to get ready. One way to do this is to spend more time in God’s Word and prayer.
God Orchestrates History for Our Salvation includes a daily Scripture, meditation, and prayer for the Advent and Christmas seasons, ending on Epiphany. May you be blessed by these Scriptures, thoughts, and prayers during this holy season.

Love for the Least (L4L) shares the good news of the gospel with the least and unreached by making disciples of Jesus who make disciples (2 Tim 2:2) and by helping to meet the physical needs of the poorest of the poor. The focus has always been on relieving suffering and building new lives among orphans and widows—and now refugees. There are more than 1,000,000+ refugees from ISIS in Northern Iraq where L4L is presently serving and providing relief among 30+ refugee villages and many UN refugee camps. L4L’s particular focus areas are strategic unreached portions of East Africa and the Middle East where God is moving.
Father Jerry and Stacy Kramer have served in the mission field for two decades, and I have known them and supported their ministry about half that time. With 250% inflation in the region, L4L needs financial assistance now more than ever. Political and cultural events are opening more doors for evangelism, and souls are being saved every day.
This year, let us celebrate the coming of Jesus by participating in the Advent Conspiracy:
- Worship fully—not only in church but also in private devotions
- Spend less—giving gifts that are meaningful rather than expensive
- Give more—contributing some of the savings to help others
- Love all—thinking of “the least of these,” not just loved ones
Each year, I make a devotional book available for believers to use for personal devotions and for inexpensive gifts for loved ones. Paperback and Kindle editions are available on, and the author proceeds are donated to Love for the Least. Love all this Advent season and be part of the remarkable move of God in the Middle East and Africa.