A daily Scripture, meditation, and prayer for the Advent and Christmas seasons and Epiphany
In the midst of holiday busy-ness, it's easy to lose track of the reason for the season, to forget that Christmas is a holy day, not just a holiday—a holy day to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World. That's why many Christians observe Advent, a time of penitence and preparation for the coming of Christ. We prepare to celebrate Christmas, the time when our Lord and Savior came to earth as a tiny and helpless baby. We remember the coming of Christ into our own hearts when we accepted Him as our Savior. And we look forward to Christ coming again to earth, this time in power and glory.
God Orchestrates History for Our Salvation includes a daily Scripture, meditation, and prayer for the Advent and Christmas seasons and Epiphany. May you be blessed by these Scriptures, thoughts, and prayers during this holy season.
All proceeds benefit Love for the Least, a missionary movement in the Middle East and Africa.
Even before Thanksgiving, people start shopping, decorating, cooking, partying, sending greeting cards, and decorating for “the holidays.” In the midst of all this busy-ness, it’s easy to lose track of the reason for the season, to forget that Christmas is a holy day, not just a holiday—a holy day to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World. That’s why many Christians observe Advent, a time of penitence and preparation for the coming of Christ. We prepare to celebrate Christmas, the time when our Lord and Savior came to earth as a tiny and helpless baby. We remember the coming of Christ into our own hearts when we accepted Him as our Savior. And we look forward to Christ coming again to earth, this time in power and glory.
The Bible teaches us to be ever-ready, as we don’t know when the Lord will return. Advent is a time to get ready. One way to do this is to spend more time in God’s Word and prayer. God Orchestrates History for Our Salvation includes a daily Scripture, meditation, and prayer for the Advent and Christmas seasons and Epiphany. May you be blessed by these Scriptures, thoughts, and prayers during this holy season.
All proceeds benefit Love for the Least, a missionary movement in the Middle East and Africa.