This time of year, many bloggers and freelancers are posting goals for the coming year. Often the goals are ambitious, ranging from weight loss to income gain.
However, my plans for the coming year are simpler. As I age and have increased family caregiving responsibilities, I am slowing down.
I’m blessed to have an associate, Jan McClintock, who is taking over some of my freelance workload. I’m not totally retiring. I love what I do too much to quit, but by this summer, I will be working only part-time.
I’ll spend more time with my husband Jack. I’ll read more and continue to rate and review books on Goodreads. I’ll comment and occasionally post on Facebook and Google+.
And, of course, I’ll be right here on my blog, posting at least twice a week about books and authors, writing and publishing, Christian and patriotic themes, and whatever else captures my interest. I hope you continue to read and comment—it would get pretty lonesome and boring here without you!