Review: 365 Tips for Writers

365 Tips for Writers
Dawn Colclasure

Filbert Publishing
December 2004
Paperback, 154 pages
Also available in e-book format


This acclaimed book has been out several years in paperback.  The e-book format was released this year.

No matter what kind of writer you are, you’ll find helpful tips in this short, but powerful, book.

If you’re an experienced writer, you will identify with many of the tips because you’ve learned the lessons the hard way. Even so, there are enough tips here that you’re bound to learn something—this time the easy way.

Not all of the tips will apply to all writers, but all writers will discover useful tips here. You may not agree with all of the advice, but the tips will make you think.

Although there is a enough advice here to overwhelm beginning writers, the tips format makes it easy to read in manageable increments. Reading one tip per day allows time to absorb each tip before moving on to the next.

The author, Dawn Colclasure, will visit A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye on Wednesday. Be sure to come back to read the interview and ask your own questions in comments.  

Disclosure: I received an electronic  copy of the book from the author. I have not accepted any compensation for this review and made no commitment to give a favorable review. The link to is an affiliate link.

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