Joanna Young’s theme this month at Confident Writing is Experimenting, and she is sponsoring a group writing project: The Results of My Writing Experiment.
My first reaction was that I had nothing to contribute to this project because I wasn’t doing any experimenting in my writing. Then I realized that I have recently started doing two new things here at A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye.
I posted my first book review, ironically a review of a book on how to write reviews, The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing. I learned a lot from reading and reviewing the book and consider it a success. The post generated 49 comments and several people said they intended to buy the book as a result of the review. I have a review of Santa’s Angels (Avalon Romance)
by Janet Kaderli scheduled next week and have a couple more books lined up to review.
I have also conducted my first author interviews, though the posts haven’t appeared yet. The interview of contemporary romance author Janet Kaderli is scheduled for next week, and an interview of one of the characters in A Village Shattered by Jean Henry Mead is scheduled for the following week. Interviewing a character in the book instead of the author was a fun experiment.
Although it’s a little early to report any results from my experimentation with reviews and interviews, I think I’m going to enjoy doing both!
Have you experimented with your writing?
credit: shimgray