Let’s Say Thanks is a troop support program sponsored by Xerox. You can choose a card design created by a child, select a message or compose your own, and create the card online. Xerox distributes the cards to our troops through the military support organization Give2TheTroops®. If you want to send a card to a specific soldier, you can download your chosen design, write your message, and mail.
I wrote about Let’s Say Thanks a couple of years ago and thought it was time for a reminder. Thanksgiving is a good time to thank our troops, but every day is a day to say thanks.
You can also thank our troops by supporting them through other great organizations:
- Adopt-a-Chaplain—”a Christ-centered ministry that is dedicated to supporting our troops through the ministries of chaplains.”
- Soldiers’ Angels—”Through special projects, dedicated teams and individuals supporting our troops, we make a visible difference in the lives of our service members and their families.”
- AnySoldier.com—Military volunteers stationed in harm’s way distribute your packages and letters to troops who need them most.
As we count our blessings this Thanksgiving, let’s remember the freedom that comes through the sacrifices made by our military trooops and their families. And let’s say thanks!