Spring House by my client David Bowles is an AuthorIsland.com Readers’ Choice Finalist For Historicals.
Updated 8/4/07: Thanks to everyone who voted. David got about twice as many votes as the next book. However, we misunderstood how the contest operated. The winners had already been chosen before the finalists were listed on the Web site. There were two rounds of judging in each category – one by three judges that determined the finalists and a second by one additional judge that determined the winner. It was called a readers’ choice contest because all the judges were readers, not authors or editors. The voting on the Web site had no bearing on the outcome of the contest – it was just created to involve more readers and generate interest. I apologize for misunderstanding and giving out erroneous information.
Updated 7/12/07: The voting in this category is over. Thanks to all who voted for David’s book. I’ll report the official results when they’re announced, after all the categories have been voted on. David was in the lead the last time I checked the votes.
I’m thrilled for David and proud that I edited the book. David and I would both be even more thrilled if he won. Readers will select the winner by voting at AuthorIsland.com. If you’d like to help make Spring House a winner, vote this week. The voting box is on the right-hand side of the page, just below Island Spotlights.
I originally posted this just before my blog disappeared. Thanks to you who have already voted, and thanks to anyone who votes this week.
[tags]Spring House, David Bowles, AuthorIsland.Com Readers’ Choice[/tags]