A writer friend e-mailed me recently and asked for advice on finding a part-time telecommuting writing job.
As I prepared my answer, I checked the Resources for Writers page on my Web site to make recommendations. In the process, I checked all the links … and of course found some dead links. Sites – even good ones – don’t always last on the Internet. In addition to deleting sites that no longer exist, I added several more resource sites for writers that I’ve discovered since the last update to the page.
Now there are links to nearly 40 resource sites for writers. These sites are handpicked because I have found something of value on each site. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything posted there or that I am endorsing the entire site. It doesn’t mean that the particular site will offer anything of value to you – but it does mean that it could be worth your while to check out every site to see what you find that is helpful to you.
If you have a favorite resource for writers that isn’t included, post a comment below and tell me about it. I’ll be glad to add more sites that are valuable to writers.