Advent, a season of preparation for the coming of the Lord, begins December 1. Every year during this season, I choose a Bible reading plan. Each day, I read the assigned Scripture, then write a personal meditation and prayer. For several years, I have posted the devotionals from the previous years on my blog and also made them available to my church as a PDF download. The devotionals are available for free download here.
The Glory of the Lord: Advent and Christmas Devotionals will also be available in paperback ($7.00) and ebook ($1.99) formats. Everything above the cost of printing and shipping will be donated to Love for the Least, a movement that shares the Good News of the Gospel with the least and unreached by making disciples of Jesus who make disciples (2 Tim 2:2) and by helping to meet the physical needs of the poorest of the poor.
The donation to Love for the Least is part of the Advent Conspiracy. The goal of the Advent Conspiracy is to put Jesus back in Christmas by Worshiping Fully, Spending Less, Giving More, and Loving All. Every penny that goes to Love for the Least for the Advent Conspiracy provides direct relief for refugees in the Middle East. Tens of thousands of new refugees have recently arrived in desperate need.
You can help spread the love of Christ to the least this Christmas as you enhance your own Advent experience by spending time with the Lord each day.