My Blog is a Teenager

I started blogging on WordPress in 2006, when the platform was just three years old. In those early days, WordPress was for blogging—period. I installed WordPress on the website that I created and maintained in Dreamweaver, and for a long time it remained separate from the site itself.

Now, of course, my entire website is on WordPress, and it’s in good company with millions of other WordPress websites, many much larger and far more complex than mine.

In the beginning, I wrote about my freelance writing and editing projects, ebooks and epublishing, and writing and publishing tips and advice. I still cover those topics, but I post a lot more about my faith, including daily devotionals throughout Advent and Lent. I used to allow comments and got a lot of comments. Unfortunately, I got a lot more spam, and it became so hard to keep up with the spam, I quit allowing comments.

The early years of my blogging coincided with the heyday of blogging. I posted several times a week, and I visited dozens of other blogs every day. Today, blogs are not as popular as social media. However, social media allows blog posts to be more widely distributed than just to readers who subscribe or who come to the blog to read it. I share posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

I appreciate your reading my words, whether you come to the site, subscribe via email or feed reader, or find them on social media. I just hope my thirteen-year-old blog doesn’t start with teenage moodiness and rebellion!

Image: ©

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