Gambling with God is the Book of the Month at KSLR-Radio for August 2017. You can listen to an interview with author Tom Covino.
Visit the Gambling with God Facebook page and click on “Shop Now” to buy the book.
I’m excited that I had a part in bringing this book to fruition. It’s a great story with a life-changing message. I’ve posted my review before, but here it is again for those who haven’t already read it.
Gambling with God: From Gambling Bartender to Born Again Christian by Tom Covino
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The first time I met Tom Covino, he came to my office to discuss his book. He read the first few pages to me, and I was mesmerized. I told him he had to publish this book, and I wanted to be part of it. I also told him he had to publish an audiobook, with him as the narrator. Working on the book with Tom was a blessing, and I’m looking forward to the audiobook, which is forthcoming. Obviously, since I worked on the book, I believe it deserves a 5-star rating, but I believed that from the moment I heard Tom read a little bit of his story—long before I had any input into the project.
In the first part of the book, Tom tells his own story. He was raised in a Catholic home, turned from God and lived life as a gambling bartender in New York City, then was born again as a Christian. His story is deeply honest and powerfully compelling.
In the second part of the book, Tom shares the Gospel with readers. He wants to introduce everyone he comes in contact with to Jesus—he wants all to be saved and go to Heaven.
Tom and I don’t agree completely on theology; we differ on infant baptism, for example. We had some fascinating discussions during the process of preparing the book for publication, each of us respectful of each other’s interpretation of Scripture while ensuring that we were confident of our own interpretations.
However, in spite of minor differences, Tom and I both believe strongly that everyone needs to follow Jesus Christ. Repent and be baptized, then share the Gospel wherever and whenever we can.
I recommend Gambling with God for both believers and nonbelievers. It will inspire Christians and encourage nonbelievers to examine themselves and Scripture to find the truth.