The second workshop in INFLUENCE Magazine’s workshop series will focus on publishing options. The workshop will be held Thursday, October 13, 2016, 7 – 9 PM, at Wayland Baptist University in San Antonio.
Our first workshop–on writing for magazines and other media–was well-received by the attendees. A couple of them shared their thoughts:
“I enjoyed being updated on the current state of the print publishing industry. Also, we all need reminders of proper English writing standards. I look forward to the next workshop.” ~ Ilene
“Even if you’ve been to other writing workshops and think you’ve heard it all, Cedric Fisher’s insights and the suggestions/anecdotes shared by San Antonio editor and writer Lillie Ammann are fresh, sometimes novel and funny, and certainly practical. Cedric has worked in NYC and various magazine markets and offers the perspective and advice of an insider to prospective writers. I will be attending any future workshops he is offering.” ~ Nancy
This session we’ll be talking about publishing options:
- Traditional/legacy/New York/”big publishing”
- Small press and regional publishing
- Subsidy/vanity publishing
- Self-publishing/indie publishing
- Q&A (You’re invited to submit your questions with your registration)
Join us if you’re written a book and don’t know what to do next or if you want to write to book but would like to know the whole process before you begin.
Download the flyer to learn more or visit the website to register.
In November, we’ll offer a workshop on self-editing, followed in December by a repeat of the first session. You can save money by registering for two or three sessions at once.
If you’re in the San Antonio area and interested in publishing, hope to see you next week!
Feel free to send the flyer to all the writers you know. There is also a discount for groups, so round up a few fellow writers and save some money.