Turn on the news, open social media, talk to a friend, maybe even think about your own life, and you’ll be reminded of tragedy, natural and man-made disasters, pain, suffering, hate, and evil.
The problems in our world, our nation, and often our own lives may seem insurmountable. Where do we turn in time of trouble? God tells us:
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble;
I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.” ~ Psalm 50: 15
Anne Graham Lotz of AnGeL Ministries is calling upon believers to pray during the MAYDAY Prayer Initiative. Anne Graham Lotz says:
The nine days between the day of the Ascension of Jesus and the Day of Pentecost have Biblically and traditionally been days of prayer and fasting for an outpouring of God’s Spirit. This year those days fall on May 15-23. On each of those 9 days, join Anne Graham Lotz and thousands of other followers of Jesus Christ, as together we implore God to save us from our distress. Before Jesus comes and judgment falls.
Pray one hour each day for 9 days, May 15-23.
Sign up to receive daily email updates with prayers and resources.
May God’s people storm the heavenlies in intercession between Ascension Day and the Day of Pentecost this year!