May is National Military Appreciation Month. It’s a time to honor and show our appreciation for current military members as well as veterans. The freedoms we are blessed with in the United States are possible because of the sacrifices of those who have served as soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines. We also honor military families, who make more sacrifices than we realize so that their family members can perform their military duties.
Thank you to all our military members and veterans!
O LORD God of Hosts, stretch forth, we pray thee, thine almighty arm to strengthen and protect the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines of our country. Support them in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep them safe from all evil; endue them with courage and loyalty; and grant that in all things they may serve without reproach; Grant that they may be a safeguard and security unto the United States of America; that the inhabitants of our land may in peace and quietness serve thee our God, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.