May is National Stroke Awareness Month. This year, the focus is on stroke in women and minorities. Did you know that stroke is more common is women than in men, African-Americans are twice as likely to die from stroke as Caucasians, and Hispanics are at higher risk of having a stroke at a younger age than Caucasians are?
If you don’t know the warning signs and risk factors, check out the information at the website of the National Stroke Association. You might also find it helpful to read previous posts I’ve written on the subject, including the story of my own stroke and recovery.
May Is Stroke Awareness Month
National Stroke Awareness Month: My Stroke – the Beginning
National Stroke Awareness Month: My Stroke – The Next Three Days
National Stroke Awareness Month: My Stroke – the Aftermath
National Stroke Awareness Month: Stroke Risk Factors and Symptoms
And if you’d like to learn about the experiences of a stroke victim in the form of a romance novel, my ebook Stroke of Luck describes what happened to me but is told about a younger single woman and her caregiver who find love in the midst of stroke recovery.