Did you know April was National Book Blogging Month? Neither did I, until I read Jennifer Mattern’s link post on turning your blog into a book. That post included a link to Nina Amir’s post about writing a short book on your blog this month.
These posts (and the others in Jennifer’s post) caught my attention because I have been planning to compile some of my posts into a book. Back in 2011, I even contacted Robert Hruzek, who hosted a monthly group writing project on his blog, for permission to use the title What I Learned From …, which was the master theme of the writing projects.
Shortly after I initiated the book project, my husband, who had dementia, started needing more care, and I put everything on hold to care for him. The only writing project I could focus on after his death was a book about Jack—Jack Stories: Favorite Memories of Jack Jordan Ammann Jr.
Now, I’m ready to return to What I Learned from Life. I will include posts that I wrote for the group project as well as other posts that can be adapted to that theme. I’ll also write some new material, so if you have a suggestion for a topic, please let me know.
What do you think about books created from blogs? Would you read such a book?
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