The Next Commenter …

Update #2: A loyal reader pointed out that perhaps I shouldn’t be writing posts at 3 AM…or maybe I just can’t count. I was still 800 comments away from 25,000. However, since several hundred comments were lost when I moved my blog, I think it’s still a legitimate claim even though the official count is less. I’m thankful for all of my comments–and also thankful that I’m a writer and not a number cruncher or I’d probably be out of a job. 🙂


Update: The first comment on this post was #25,000. Jerry Wayne chose Jack Stories: Favorite Stories of Jack Jordan Ammann Jr as his prize.


As I write this shortly after 3 AM Central time, I have 24,199 comments on my blog. The next person to leave a legitimate comment, #25,000, will be given discount codes to download any of my ebooks from Smashwords.

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