My guest today is Christian author Diana Brandmeyer. I first met Diana online when both of us had ebooks published Awe-Struck, a publisher that is now part of Mundania Press. We’ve actually met in person a couple of times at EPIC conferences. Diana graciously read and critiqued Dream or Destiny and gave me helpful feedback before it was published. Her latest book, Mind of Her Own, has just been released. See my review in my last blog post.
Lillie: Welcome to A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye, Diana. Let’s begin with a little about you, including how you got started writing and how your Christian faith has impacted your writing.
Diana: My journey started with my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Rombleman. She read something I wrote to the class and said it was excellent. Mrs. Rombleman was not a teacher that handed out praise so it meant something to me. She opened the window to writing for me but it took several years to fly through it.
Without my faith I have no writing, even if it’s a nonfiction article about pet sitting. Most of the time my faith is expressed in some manner through my characters; if not, it’s behind the scenes asking God for the right words to put on paper.
Lillie: It seems there was a gap of several years between your first published novel and the next published book. Then in the last couple of years, you’ve had several books published. Share with us a little about your writing/publishing journey.
Diana: There is a gap in the publishing part but not in the writing. I spent a lot of time taking writing classes and then there were graduations, weddings, and losing some very loved relatives that took me away from sending out my work.
Lillie: As my review showed, I loved Mind of Her Own. I’ve read a lot of romance novels in which the heroine has amnesia, but Mind of Her Own is different because Louisa wakes up with memories—but her memories aren’t real. How did you come up with idea? Did you do a lot of research on amnesia? Tell us about the story behind the story of Mind of Her Own.
Diana: I have three boys and they were racing around the kitchen when I was trying to get dinner started. I kept the grill on the top shelf of the pantry and when I pulled it out it slipped. It didn’t hit me on the head, but I thought, “What if it had hit me and I woke up as someone else?”
I have a friend who is a licensed psychologist, Marty C. Lintvedt (she was my co-author on We’re Not Blended—We’re Pureed, a Survivor’s Guide to Blended Families) so I asked her what that diagnosis would be. Soon I was reading articles on retrograde amnesia and working the pieces into my story.
Lillie: Where can readers learn more about you and your books?
Diana: My website/blog has a lot of information
Twitter: @dianabrandmeyer
Lillie: Though A Mind of Her Own is fiction, do you have a message that you would like readers to take away from the novel.
Diana: Yes, Lillie, I do. Secrets—the kind that hurt you—need to be shared. It takes a step of faith to tell someone, and if you are pushed away know that you need to tell the secret again. It’s also a good idea to seek professional help.
Lillie: I know there are many people who need to hear this message. The book is entertaining for everyone, but those who need this message will find it both helpful and enjoyable.
Diana: Thank you, Lillie, for having me on your blog today. It’s always a pleasure to be interviewed by you.
Lillie: Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing about your writing and A Mind of Her Own. Readers will probably have more questions for you. Will you check in during the day to respond to comments and answer questions?
Diana: I’ll be checking in several times day. I’d love to ask your readers this question—What do you like about yourself?
Lillie: Great question! If you would like to answer this question publicly or if you have questions for Diana, leave a comment below.
Christian author, Diana Lesire Brandmeyer, writes historical and contemporary romances. Author of A Bride’s Dilemma in Friendship, Tennessee and We’re Not Blended-We’re Pureed, A Survivor’s Guide to Blended Families. Once widowed and now remarried she writes with humor and experience on the difficulty of joining two families be it fictional or real life.
Who knew making dinner could change your life? Louisa Copeland certainly didn’t. But when the George Foreman grill fell out of the pantry onto her head, resulting in a bump and a mighty case of amnesia, Louisa’s life takes a turn for the unexpected. Who was this Collin fellow, claiming she was his wife? And whose kids are those? Her name couldn’t be Louisa. Why, she was the renowned romance writer Jazz Sweet, not a Midwestern mom of three. Struggling to put the pieces together of the life she’s told she had, Louisa/Jazz may realize that some memories are better left alone.