When I started blogging in June 2006, I didn’t envision that in less than six years, I would write 1200 blog posts. My blog has evolved in ways I couldn’t imagine. I thought I would be writing about writing and editing and publishing, and I didn’t expect interactive communication.
The blog has always been primarily a hobby for me, although I do hope that people will learn about my books and my services and that those who are interested will buy my books or use my services. My first goal, though, is to write what I want to write about the subjects I want to write about. Looking through my archives, I see that there are far more Christian posts than posts about writing. I’ve shared more personal information about my stroke and my husband than I anticipated, and I’ve written about causes that are important to me.
Perhaps what surprised me the most has been the interactive communication that has developed in the comments section. I have loyal readers who comment every month, and I have people who drop by to read one post. My 1200 posts have generated more than 11,000 comments from readers as well as an equal number of responses from me. I enjoy and appreciate reader comments and look forward to many more.
Thank you for reading some of my posts. My associate, Jan McClintock, and I are beginning a redesign of my website and blog. I’m excited about some new additions but some things will stay the same. What do you like most about my blog that shouldn’t be changed? What would you like to see improved or updated? I’d appreciate your feedback. After all, my blog wouldn’t be much fun if I just talked to myself—I can do that without a blog! Although I blog for fun, my goal is to provide inspiration, education, and entertainment to my readers. The blog—content, appearance, and functionality–is all designed for YOU.