Call for Entries and Judges for EPIC’s eBook Competition

The following calls, one for judges and one for entries for the EPIC eBook Award Competition, come from Debi Sullivan, EPIC’s Competitions Chair. [email protected]

Call out for Judges from EPIC, the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition™:

EPIC eBook Award Competition™ is looking for industry professional judges: published authors, publishers, and/or editors. If you are interested, please go to: and complete the form. If you are an author and enter the competition, you will not be assigned to judge in any categories you enter. You will be contacted during the last two weeks of May to confirm your continued judging availability. EPIC thanks you in advance for your willingness to participate. EPIC’s eBook Award Competition™ opens June 1 and closes July 15. The time frames for judging are:
Preliminary Round judging, June 5 through July 22
First Round judging, July 27 through September 7.
Final Round of judging, September 17 through October 12.

Thank you for your interest, Debi Sullivan

Call out for Entries from EPIC, the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition™:

EPIC’s eBook Award Competition™ invites you to submit entries to our premiere eBook competition, one that recognizes excellence in ePublished works. We will open for entries June 1 through July 15. Entries must be published in English, include a publication date, be submitted “as the product sells,” and be released for sale between June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011. This includes self- and subsidy-published books.

If you are interested in our competition, please go to: and review our eBook Guide and FAQs.

Thank you for your interest, Debi Sullivan

Note from Lillie:

I have judged every year since I have been in EPIC, more than ten years. It’s a wonderful way to read some great books for free. I’ve discovered authors I love through judging. The only caveat is that you must maintain absolutely strict confidentiality to maintain the integrity of the competition. You can’t even tell anyone what categories you are judging, certainly not which books. Sometimes judges get so excited about a book they want to tell others—so then we go buy the book so we can spread the word on how great it is.

If you have published a book in ebook format—even if the book is also in print—during the time frame indicated, I encourage you to enter. This competition is the oldest and longest-running e-book competition, and winning or even making the finals can give your book—and your self-confidence—a real boost.

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