Thanks to Christopher Roberts, who is a regular commenter, for helping me find the answer to the question, “Has Anybody Here Seen My Old Friend Threaded Comments?”
When I upgraded WordPress, Brian’s Threaded Comments plugin quit working, and I couldn’t get the threaded comments in WordPress to work. Gravatars have never showed up in comments since I started using this theme, although the gravatars show up in the dashboard. And new commenters told me they didn’t get any message their comment was going into moderation, so they weren’t sure if it went through or not.
Christopher made several recommendations, including How to Add Nested Comments to Your WordPress Theme by C. Bavota. The article includes a comments.php file that I copied and pasted into the same file in my theme. Voilà! Threaded comments, gravatars, and the moderation message all appeared.
Alas, however, CommentLuv quit working. Anybody have any suggestions about that? I’d love a fix for that problem that doesn’t undo the fixes the new comments.php file made.
Updated 9/29/10: Although I had deleted and reinstalled the plugin once before without success, I decided to delete CommentLuv for the entire day, then reinstall it later. After I did that, it appears to be working. Please let me know if it works for you.