As you know if you’ve been around my blog for any length of time, I love e-books. I discovered e-books when my first novel was accepted by an e-publisher in 1999 and been an avid fan ever since.
Currently, I read mostly on the Kindle, but I also have an eBookwise reader that I keep to read in poor light because it’s backlit. There are two reasons I prefer the Kindle:
- The text size is highly adjustable. I need it quite large for comfortable reading, and I can’t always get it large enough on the other reader.
- The Whispernet means that I can read a review in my feed reader, order the book immediately, and it’s delivered instantly and wirelessly.
I watch for publishers offering free e-books for a limited time and order those I’d like to read. Right now, I have more than 30 e-books in my Kindle, and many of them were free. I subscribe to Books on the Knob, where Karen posts links to free and discounted Kindle editions and other e-books.
If you like free as I do, you can find many great free e-books during Read an E-Book Week. E-book lovers will want to take advantage of the occasion to add to their collection. Those who haven’t tried e-books will find this a wonderful opportunity to see how they like e-reading.
As the event draws closer, I’ll post a list of the free e-books I’ll be giving away during the week. Sneak preview: in addition to my current books, I’m going to introduce several new how-to e-books. They’ll be available for free during Read an E-Book Week; at the end of the week, they will be available at reasonable prices.
I highly recommend that authors who have books available as e-books consider partnering with Read an E-Book Week.