I’ll be presenting a workshop for Brazos Writers, a writers group in the Bryan-College Station, Texas area.
The October 10 workshop—The Alchemy of Self-Editing: Turning First Draft Dreck into Final Draft Gold—will include hands-on practice. Attendees can edit sample exercises or bring their own work-in-progress to edit for feedback.
My husband, Jack, a Texas Aggie, is looking forward to an opportunity to visit the campus and stock up on Aggie paraphernalia. My sister Nancy is going along to help me with the logistics at the workshop. I’m really looking forward to meeting and interacting with writers in the real world for a change.
Thanks to Tammy Hensel at Dedicated Writer for recommending me to Brazos Writers.
If you know any writers in the Brazos Valley area, I hope you will pass on the workshop flyer.
Added 9/15/09: Someone asked in a comment if I knew of any similar courses online. I don’t—if someone does please post a comment. I will probably use some of the material from the workshop in future blog posts.
I can also recommend a great book on self-editing. It’s specific for fiction; however, nonfiction writers will find it valuable as well.
photo credit: Derick Leony