I recently discovered Paperback Writer, the blog of Lynn Viehl, who has written 38 novels in 5 genres using 4 pseudonyms in the last 10 years.
Apparently Lynn has posted more than 60 sessions of questions and answers about writing and publishing on her blog.
She has now created an index to all the questions with links to the answers. The questions are categorized: Agents, Blogging, Characters, Conferences, Copyright, Cover Art, Creativity, Dialogue, Editing, Educational, Financial, Genre, Inspiration, Miscellaneous, Novels, Pitching, Plotting, Promotion, Publishing, Series Writing, SF/F, Software, Titles, Web Sites, Writer for Hire, Writing, and Writing LIfe.
While much of the advice is geared toward novelists (especially writers of science fiction/fantasy) seeking traditional publication, there is plenty of valuable advice for writers of all kinds.
[tags]writing advice, writers resources[/tags]