On the Wings of the Wind is scheduled to be released on November 1, 2007. The book is the story of Patricia Eytcheson Taylor’s spiritual journey, but it is not hers alone. It is the story of the relationship anyone can have with a loving God who wants to guide the lives of all His children as He guides Pat’s.
Although she never lost the Christian faith her parents instilled in her, in adulthood she allowed marriage, family, and business to overshadow her walk with God. After the death of her husband, she cried out to the Lord, and He answered. From that moment, the Holy Spirit has guided her life. Pat later married and participated in the ministry of an Army chaplain.
When Pat first came to me for editing, the book was her project. However, as we worked on the manuscript, her husband, The Reverend Doctor James C. Taylor, became intrigued and joined Pat as co-author. Having been a Lutheran clergyman for 40 years, James contributed significantly to the book.
Several chapters are devoted to military life and the sacrifices military families as well as service members make. The book would be an excellent gift for military spouses and families to show appreciation for their service.
Here is a snippet from the back cover:
On the Wings of the Wind is a profoundly biblical easy-to-read story of entering each new phase of life guided by the Holy Spirit. This is a love story: a story of longtime love of spouse and family, the devastating heartbreak of loss, and a new love that now binds two people together as they embrace each day with enthusiasm, a sense of mission, and, foremost and center, with the all-encompassing presence of the living God.
Working with Pat and James has been a delight, and I’m thrilled the book will soon be available.
I recommend the book to Christians seeking a closer walk with God, military members and families, and non-Christians who would like to know more about the Christian faith.
You can place your order now and receive the book shortly after publication. You will even get a discount for ordering early.