On any given day, the blogging world is filled with thousands of conversations on topics ranging from making money to raising a family, from personal development to personal rants. Imagine one day when thousands of conversations are centered on one theme—the environment. That is exactly what Blog Action Day is all about.
On October 15th – Blog Action Day, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind.
In its inaugural year, Blog Action Day will be coordinating bloggers to tackle the issue of the environment.
What Each Blogger Will Do
Bloggers can participate on Blog Action Day in one of two ways:
- Publish a post on their blog which relates to an issue of their own choice pertaining to the environment.
- Commit to donating their day’s advertising earnings to an environmental charity of their choice. There is a list of “official” Blog Action Day charities on the site, however bloggers are also free to choose an alternate environmental charity to donate to if they wish.
Blog Action Day started signing up participants on August 14th, and nearly 1400 blogs with a subscriber reach of almost a million have already joined.
To make your voice heard on the subject of the environment, sign up now. Registration is simple and requested only to keep track of the participation.
You can take any approach and any position you want—the idea is to generate a lot of discussion about an important topic, not to have thousands of voices delivering the exact message. You’re free to post on the topic of your blog as it relates to the environment.
I plan to write about how the latest publishing technologies (e-books and print-on-demand) can help eliminate some of the environmental issues caused by traditional publishing. I hope you’ll be here to read my post on October 15th, and I hope you’ll post your own thoughts on the environment on that day.
[tags]Blog Action Day, environment[/tags]