Thanks to Laura at Writing Thoughts for naming me a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. Roberta Ferguson – Blogging Made Devilishly Simple created the award.
It’ll be fun and it will build us a community of one sort: girl bloggers. Or, better yet, “Rockin’ Girl Bloggers”.
I’m not always enthusiastic about things that are restricted to specific groups or set certain people apart. However, I have described the blogging community as a large city made up of hundreds of small neighborhoods. I see Rockin’ Girl Bloggers as one of those small neighborhoods – not a ghetto of isolation but a small, friendly community that is part of the larger city of the blogosphere. I’m delighted to be part of the Rockin’ Girl Blogger community.
A number of my favorite Rockin’ Girl Bloggers have already been named. I tried to avoid duplication, but some of these Rocking’ Girls may have been nominated before.
Char at Essential Keystrokes
Helen at Straight from Hel
Hummie at Hummie’s World
Karen at A Deaf Mom Shares Her World
Karen at Write Now – Because It’s Later Than You Think
Lisa at Getting It Write for You
Merry at Mom and More
Paula at Paula Neal Mooney
Theda at Crayon Writer
Thomma Lyn at Tennessee Text Wrestling