I read a post by Michael Hyatt on his blog From Where I Sit about balancing work with the rest of life. That started me thinking, and I wrote a post about balance in life.
Mihaela Lica (Mig) at eWritings – Online Public Relations suggested I transform the post into meme … so here it is.
As Mig said, we can all learn from each other. So in addition to the bloggers who are tagged, the meme is open to anyone who would like to share.
To participate, write a post about balance in life and link back to this post. Answer any or all of the following questions or simply share your thoughts about life balance.
How do you achieve balance in your life?
What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life?
What are your priorities?
How have your priorities changed over time and why?
What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives?
Then tag five other bloggers and/or issue an open invitation to your readers to participate.
I’m tagging the following writers I know will have good advice to share:
Mihaela Lica (Mig) at eWritings – Online Public Relations (who suggested the meme)
Laura Spencer at Writing Thoughts (who was the first to comment on my original post)
David Bowles at Writing the Western Sagas (who juggles a business, genealogy, writing, and volunteer work)
Beth G. Sanders at bgsblog (who has an eclectic resume and blogs on a variety of topics)
Matt Keegan at The Article Writer (who recently posted about merging his work and family by speaking at career day at his son’s school)
I’m looking forward to hearing many great ideas from these bloggers, those they tag for the meme, and others who will join in.
[tags]life balance, priorities, meme[/tags]