Usually I’m very disciplined in my work and always meet deadlines. But the last few weeks I’ve fallen behind on projects that don’t have firm deadlines because “life got in the way.”
My husband Jack has had health problems, and taking care of him has been a higher priority than work. I’ve managed to meet all deadlines but have postponed projects that could be delayed. My clients have been willing to give me extra time, and I appreciate their support, concern, and prayers.
The good news is Jack feels dramatically better after two heart procedures to stabilize an erratic heartbeat: cardioversion (for the fast heartbeat) and implantation of a pacemaker (for the times his heart stops beating for several seconds).
I’m so thankful that God used medical professionals and medical equipment to treat Jack. The immediate improvement from these procedures is truly a miracle!
We are so blessed that my schedule is flexible, that my clients are supportive, that Jack had excellent medical care, and that we had the prayers of family, friends, and parish – All Saints Anglican Church.