Reader Views, an excellent review Web site, just reviewed The New Day Dawns: People of the Frozen Earth Book One.
Reviewer Mary Simmons wrote: “The New Day Dawns is a fascinating read that will not only enrich your life, but also the lives of others since 10 per cent of Internet sales of this book will be donated to Dakota Sioux Indians on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. It is the first book in a series. Look for the second installment, As Shadows Fall, which will soon be available.”
Grace Anne Schaefer, author of the People of the Frozen Earth series, and I will be getting As Shadows Fall ready to go to the book designer during the next couple of weeks. We have found that reading the manuscript aloud to each other is the best way to do the final edit. It takes time, but we catch those inevitable errors that slipped past all the previous edits (at least most of them; we’ve never published a perfect book yet – maybe this will be the first!).
And Grace Anne and I have been close friends since our first day of college – more years ago than we admit! – so we have a wonderful time …working, talking, and laughing.