But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol,
for he will receive me. Selah ~ Psalm 49:15
Sheol was the place of the dead. Centuries before Jesus came to earth, His victory over death was prophesied to His people. Now we have no reason to fear death if we love the Lord and follow Jesus. We can look forward with confidence and joy to living for eternity in Heaven rather than being confined in a place of the dead.
Lord God, I’m so blessed to know that when I die, it will not be the end. It will be a transition to a better place—a place beyond my imagination. I can think of the most amazing place I would want to be, and Heaven will be superlatively better. Thank you that I will be there with all my loved ones that have gone before me and eventually with all those who come after me—if they love You. Help me to be a witness to those who don’t know You so they will be there, too. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.