We bemoan the commercialism of Christmas but keep on buying useless, extravagant gifts, going to parties we don’t enjoy, and rushing to and fro trying to check everything off our list. We overwhelm ourselves with places to go and things to do. This year, let’s try a better way with the Advent Conspiracy. Worship fully. Spend less. Give more. Love all. The video below explains a little more about the Advent Conspiracy.
Our church and I personally make our Advent Conspiracy gifts to Love for the Least,
a MOVEMENT born from the fifteen-year missionary work of its first field workers, dozens of church partners in America from a broad range of traditions and thousands of Believers who pray daily and invest in God’s Kingdom. The mission of L4L is to share the compassion of Christ with an unreached world.
The donations received by Love for the Least for Advent Conspiracy will be used to provide relief for Christian refugee families in Iraq. Muslims and Yezidi in the refugee camps receive help from the UN, but Christians do not. There are 1,380 Christian refugee families, and $75 will feed the whole family for a month as well as give them some treats and toys for the children. I’d love for you to support Love for the Least, as well, but there are hundreds of good causes that can use your donations more than your aunt can use another box of dusting powder.
[AC] Advent Calendar from Advent Conspiracy on Vimeo.