Sanctity of Life Sunday

Mother in living room with baby smiling

Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday.

Pastor Russell Moore wrote:

I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that we have to say things to one another that human beings shouldn’t have to say. Mothers shouldn’t kill their children. Fathers shouldn’t abandon their babies. No human life is worthless, regardless of skin color, age, disability, economic status. The very fact that these things must be proclaimed is a reminder of the horrors of this present darkness.

But we are in that present darkness where mothers kill babies and sometimes people even seek the assistance of physicians to commit suicide. Therefore we observe Sanctity of Life Sunday to remind us that people are created in the image of God and therefore, as GotQuestions says:

…human life has an inherently sacred attribute that should be protected and respected at all times.

Although that image has indeed been marred by sin, His image is still present in humanity. We are like God, and that likeness means that human life is always to be treated with dignity and respect.

From conception to natural death, life must be protected and nurtured. All life is precious–whether a baby in the womb; a sick, elderly man; a disabled teen; a healthy adult; or (fill-in-blank). The same God created us all and loves us all.

Lord God, we ask Your protection for all Your children who are at risk. Save the unborn from abortion, the sick from neglect, the disabled from the euthanasia/assisted suicide. Open our eyes to see the sanctity and beauty in every life You have created. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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