Matthew 2:1-2 (NASB)
1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, 2 “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
The magi came from the east, from a foreign land. Their arrival is the first sign that the Messiah came to the whole world, not just to God’s chosen people, the Jews. The angels had announced the birth of Jesus to lowly shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem—Jews, but those at the lowliest level of society, not royalty or religious leaders. Now God used the star to announce the birth of the Messiah to non-Jews. God is the God of all people. Jesus is the Savior of the world—people of all nations, all levels of society. That is good news for all of us. We don’t have to be a certain ethnicity; we don’t have to have money, prestige, or power. All that is required is that we give our hearts and lives to Him. As we look forward to His return, we thank God that we are welcome at the wedding feast of the King.
Thank You, Lord, that You love each of us and welcome us to spend eternity with You. We give our lives and hearts to You, repenting of our sins and asking You to guide our steps. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Ghost, now and ever, world without end. Amen.