The pro-life organizations sponsoring the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Babies encourage people to visit the gravesites of aborted babies to pray on this day of remembrance.
Several prayers are available on the memorial day website. Although these prayers are meant to be prayed at the sites of graves or memorials for aborted babies, all of us can pray, even if can’t all visit one of the gravesites or memorial sites.
Let us pray for all victims of abortion, including the thousands of babies who were disposed of as medical waste and those whose body parts were sold as commodities. No matter how they were treated, each one is a beloved child of God.
Father God, You tell us in Your word that unless we become as little children we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You showed us by how Jesus treated children how precious each tiny life is. We pray for those babies who never had the chance to be born–those whose lives were snuffed out in the womb. We know You love each one of them, Lord. May they rest in peace.
We pray for everyone involved in the abortions, Lord–the mothers and fathers; the family members and friends who advised or pressured the mothers to abort; the abortionists and staffs in the clinics who performed, assisted, or abetted the procedures; the siblings and extended family members deprived of the companionship of these children; and society who has missed out on all the contributions they would have made.
Lord, we ask for Your protection of babies at risk for abortion. Touch the hearts of their mothers and everyone around them to give life rather than take it away. Guide and encourage everyone who stands for life–prolife activists and organizations, pastors and priests who teach their flocks Your truth, individuals who protest and educate.
Thank You that You love each one of Your children, Lord, at whatever stage of development from conception to natural death. Help those of us who love You to change this nation from a culture of death to a culture of life.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Ghost forever and ever. Amen.