National Adoption Month 2012

November is National Adoption Month.

As the mother of an adopted son and as a passionate pro-life advocate, I want to see every child in a home with parents who love them.

Most of the children available for adoption are older children, and many couples want to adopt infants. Because a large majority of babies who would be adopted are murdered in the womb by their own mothers, there are few infants available for adoption. However there are more than 100,000 children currently living in foster care, hoping for a family of their own.

I can tell you there are challenges to adopting an older child, but there are many blessings as well. Children need parents and a family life, and adoption is the way to provide that for the thousands of kids who are stuck in the child welfare system.

O LORD Jesus Christ, who dost embrace children with the arms of thy mercy, and dost make them living members of thy Church; Give to those who have no family, grace, we pray thee, to stand fast in thy faith, to obey thy word, and to abide in thy love; that, being made strong by thy Holy Spirit, they may resist temptation and overcome evil; place them in loving homes so that they may rejoice in the life that now is, and dwell with thee in the life that is to come; through thy merits, O merciful Saviour, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen.   ~ Adapted from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer

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