My guest today is multi-published author Molly Noble Bull. Although I have not seen Molly in quite a while, we got to know each other through the San Antonio chapter of the Romance Writers of America. Later, Molly started an email loop of Christian women authors and invited me to join. The fellowship with other Christian authors was a real blessing for years.
Lillie: Welcome to A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye, Molly. Let’s begin with a little about you, including how your Christian faith has impacted your writing.
Molly: I have commitment to marriage and family, and I love children. Before I wrote articles, stories and books to sell, I was an elementary and early childhood teacher. Therefore, my Christian faith inspired everything I have written since the nineteen eighties. The following words are written on the dedication page of every one of my novels—“But to God give the glory.” These words are also posted on the dedication of my first non-fiction book—The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities by Ginny Aiken, Margaret Daley, Jane Myers Perrine, Ruth Scofield and me, Molly Noble Bull.
Lillie: Please tell us about the books you have written before this latest collaboration with other authors.
Molly: I first published two novels with Zondervan way back in the late nineteen eighties. These titles were For Always and The Rogue’s Daughter. The novels were reprinted and came out from the book division of Guide Posts as Promise Romances.
More recently, I published with Love Inspired. The titles are Brides and Blessings and The Winter Pearl, and both are now available as e-books.
Tsaba House published Sanctuary, and it won two awards in the inspirational category for published authors in 2008—the Gayle Wilson award and the Winter Rose contest. Tsaba House purchased five more of my books. However, the company went out of business before any of them came out.
Lillie: Where can readers learn more about you and your books?
Molly: Go to Amazon and write Molly Noble Bull in the search slot. This will take you to my page at Amazon where all my books are listed. The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities is my newest book, and you can’t miss it. It’s the book with the yellow cover.
Lillie: The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities was recently released. You wrote the book along with several other Christian authors. Share with my readers something about your collaborators.
Molly: I am dyslexic, and I met the other four ladies who authored The Overcomers on a loop for Love Inspired authors. All five of us suffer/suffered with learning disabilities, and it was such a blessing to get to know them and realize that I was not the only published author in the world who had a hard time learning to read and spell.
Lillie: How did this book come about—who had the original idea, what writing process did you use, how did you find a publisher?
Molly: After we discovered that we all suffered from similar problems, we decided to write a book together to encourage others. Back in 2007, a small Christian book publisher bought the book, but it never came out because the publisher went out of business. We sat on it for a while. Then in 2011, we decided to self-publish the book via Westbow Press. It came out in paperback and as an e-book in December 2011.
Lillie: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from reading The Overcomers?
Molly: Learning Disabilities don’t go away—at least at this point in time. One simply learns to go around them. Cope. Triumphing over learning problems like the ones mentioned in The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities is not easy. It takes determination, work, and a lot of patience, but it can be done.
I want my readers to know that according to Ron Davis, who wrote The Gift of Dyslexia, talents and abilities of all kinds are often hidden behind labels like dyslexia and learning disabilities. The only real danger is giving up. All five of us overcame and are now published novelists. Others can do the same.
Lillie: Is there anything I’ve failed to ask that you would like to share with my readers?
Molly: I would like to invite readers to visit my website and blog.
Click here to go to the author page for Molly Noble Bull at right now.
Also, to find my books online or in a walk-in bookstores, ask for books by Molly Noble Bull. My title, The Overcomers, is not unique. Other books written by others authors share that title. So ask for the book’s complete title—The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities.
Lillie: Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing about your books and the new book, The Overcomers. Readers will probably have more questions for you. Will you check in during the day to respond to comments and answer questions?
Molly: You bet. And thanks again, Lillie, for inviting me here.
Lillie: If you have questions for Molly, leave a comment below.
I was born in Kingsville, Texas, and since I talked early, my parents expected great things from me. It must have been a huge disappointment to discover that I couldn’t learn to read and spell as other children my age did. But with God’s help, I learned.
I am still married to my college sweetheart, and we have three grown sons and six grandchildren. God is good.