The Parables of Jesus

The Parables of Jesus

Lenten Devotionals in story format

These forty-seven devotionals (for the forty days of Lent, the six Sundays in Lent, and Easter) include a Scripture, typically a parable told by our Lord, a short meditation on the Scripture, and a brief prayer. Each daily devotion is short but impactful.

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About the Book

People like stories, and stories can teach while they entertain. Often listeners pay more attention to stories than to sermons. Perhaps they understand them more easily; maybe they like being entertained. Sometimes they don’t realize there’s a lesson to be learned as they enjoy the entertaining elements of the story.

Jesus taught in stories known as parables. A parable is a short story designed to convey a moral truth through the story. Jesus told parables about everyday experiences of his listeners. The people could easily identify with the characters and events in Jesus’ stories and understood the lessons without Jesus explicitly stating the truths he was teaching.

These forty-seven devotionals (for the forty days of Lent, the six Sundays in Lent, and Easter) include a Scripture, typically a parable told by our Lord, a short meditation on the Scripture, and a brief prayer. Each daily devotion is short but impactful.

If you want to add a spiritual discipline during Lent, read and meditate on the stories Jesus told. Learn the lessons He has hidden in plain sight within the parable. May His blessings abound in your time alone with the Lord.

Authors: Written by Lillie Ammann, Edited by Lillie Ammann
Genres: Christian Devotional, Inspirational
Publisher: Lillie's Lovely Little Publishing Company
Publication Year: 2022
ASIN: 0966591291
ISBN: 9780966591293
List Price: 8.00
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Written by Lillie Ammann

Christian author, editor, and publishing consultant with more than two decades of writing and publishing experience

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